

Learn It

  • One of the best things about your Micro:bit is the ability to dream up new things to make it do.
  • With the ability to get random numbers, use If statements and While loops, you can produce any program you want.
  • Here are some challenges for you to try:

Code It

  • Challenge 1: Write an inefficient program to turn on all the LEDs, one column at a time. When they're all on, clear the display and restart. Make the program use as many lines as possible (as long as they all do something useful).
  • Challenge 2: Write the solution to challenge 1 in as few lines of code as possible, using loops.
  • Challenge 3: Make a screensaver effect, where all the LEDs slowly fade in, then fade out again over and over.
  • Challenge 4: Write a dice program. When one of the buttons is pushed, a random number between 1 and 6 is shown on the screen.
  • Challenge 5: Write a Harry Potter-style sorting hat app. When one of the buttons is pushed, a house is chosen. Will you be in Slytherin?
  • Challenge 6: Make a compass app that uses one of the outer-most LEDs to indicate which way North is.
  • Challenge 7: Make a fortune teller app. When the user pushes a button or shakes the Micro:bit, a random piece of advice is given. e.g. 'Choose Computer Science at GCSE', 'Eat more vegetables', etc.
  • Challenge 8: Design and create a balance game. The player must keep the Micro:bit completely flat while walking around with it on their head. If it tips too far, a sad face is shown, and the game is over.
  • Challenge 9: Make a variable brightness torch. Either pushing the buttons or tilting the Micro:bit forward and back should make make the LEDs come on brighter or dimmer.
  • Challenge 10: Pass the parcel game. Players pass the bit from one to another. Every 5-20 seconds (at random), the Micro:bit should change image and that player is out. The game then continues until there is only one player left.
  • Challenge 11: Egg timer. Users start by choosing a time (in minutes) using the A button. The timer is started by pressing the B button. The amount of time left is shown on on the display. When the time runs out, the display changes to an image of happy face.
  • Challenge 12: Snake game. The user tilts the Micro:bit forward, backward, left and right. As they do so, LEDs come on one by one to draw out a pattern.


  • This used to be a popular game on early Nokia 'phones.
  • Challenge 13: Multiplication table generator. The user starts by using the GPIO pads 0 and 2 (it may be helpful to look again at the week 4 notes) to pick a times table to look at. The player can then use buttons A and B to navigate forward and backward through the times table they want to see. Reset the Micro:bit to choose a new table.

Badge It

  • Silver: Complete two code challenges from the set above, and upload your code for both to BourneToLearn.com
  • Gold: Complete four coding challenges.
  • Platinum: Complete six coding challenges.