Web Design

Self Progress Checking

Badge It - The DIVs

  • There is a video tutorial here about creating a wrapper, a topbox and a container you may find it useful to help you get started.
  • There is another video tutorial here about creating left and right boxes/DIVs inside a container.
  • Once you have created the general layout and tested your webpage is working as intended, click here for the self assessment. You will be awarded Silver, Gold and/or Platinum badges based on your progress.
  • You can always come back here to re-take the assessment quiz once you have finished the task.

Badge It - Links and Images

  • Once you have created the general layout and tested your webpage is working as intended, then you will add links and images as you have planned in your design.
  • There is a video tutrial on how to use images as background in your DIVs.
  • This video tutorial (coming soon) is on how to style hyperlinks so when hoverover, they change colour.
  • This video tutorial (coming soon) is on how to style the links so they appear in a line with a vertical bar between them.
  • Click here for the self assessment. You will be awarded Silver, Gold , Platinum badges based on your progress.
  • You can always come back here to re-take the assessment quiz once you have finished the task.

Badge It - The Finer Touches

  • There is a video tutorial(coming soon) on how to style your webpages to make it look amazing by adding border styles, shadows, padding, and margins.
  • Once you have created the general layout and tested your webpage is working as intended, click here for the self assessment. You will be awarded Gold,and/or Platinum badges based on your progress.
  • You can always come back here to re-take the assessment quiz once you have finished the task.

Author: Xiaohui Ellis